Disburser Tools
Payall’s powerful and innovative self-service Disburser Tools with end-user apps enable Originating Institutions to simplify and modernize the cross-border payment experience for individuals and businesses sending and receiving funds.
Our white-label apps—branded for you—are a low-tech, turnkey option to get your financial institution live in almost no time. Apps can be configured easily and deployed quickly for specialty partners or channels.
Your customers will be thrilled with how easy you make it to pay one or pay many, anytime, anywhere in the world.

Individual Person-to-Person Transfers & Remittances That Are Intuitive and Self-Service
Your branded app makes it easy for even first-time senders to speed funds to friends and family abroad.
There’s no learning curve for individuals using your branded app to send P2P payments or remittances anywhere in the world. We’ve gone over and above industry best practices to create an app that’s simple, intuitive and completely self-service.
And, like business disbursers, your retail customers can designate how they’d like to send funds—to a bank account or other options that serve recipients who either prefer not to engage with a financial institution or aren’t able to participate in mainstream financial services.
You can even support automated receipt confirmation, so senders know when friends and relatives can access their money—a great comfort to them and a significant convenience for you because of reduced customer inquiries.

Recipient App Engages with Users to Simplify Data Capture for KYT & KYC
When Originating Institutions need to communicate with senders, our recipient app is the safe and simple solution.
Although Originating Institutions typically don’t engage with recipients, more and more regulators are requiring Originating Institutions to execute Know Your Customer on recipients for risk mitigation—even when funds are directed to recipients’ bank accounts.
Rather than requiring senders to supply their personal identifiable information (with the security risk that entails), Originating Institutions can use their custom-branded Payall recipient app to securely collect this information.
In other situations, the Payall recipient app can serve as a tool to dynamically collect data, documents and other artifacts as part of the disburser/recipient KYC process, enabling compliance with regulations, risk protocols and other operating procedures.