Last updated: September 16, 2024

Legal Disclosure

Logos, Trademarks and More

All logos, trademarks, brand names, service marks, trade names, trade dress or company names used on this website that are not owned by Payall Payment Systems, Inc. or its respective affiliates and licensors are the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only. Such use or reference does not imply any product endorsement or affiliation with Payall Payment Systems, Inc.

Financial Institutions and Regulated Entities

All services and/or products described, including but not limited to accounts, e-money and/or deposit keeping, funds movement or transfers, payment cards and loads or transfers to, or through payment channels are provided by licensed financial institutions or regulated entities that are authorized to provide such services. Technology to enable any products or services may be provided internally by these entities, through affiliated businesses and/or by third-party companies that act on instructions by financial institutions and regulated entities.

Service Availability

The services and/or products described here are not an offer or guarantee of availability or delivery of the same. The provision of any services and/or product is subject to compliance approvals, risk and/or regulatory reviews as well as the availability of services in a specific country and/or currency by one or more financial institutions and/or regulated entities.